What is unStuck?
A few years ago a number churches asked for help to REIMAGINE their church for a new day!
Two problems emerged:
1.    Most processes jump quickly into vision and begin looking forward without looking backward.
2.   Most processes fail to take the time to understand the current reality in a church and prematurely address vision while not addressing the CULTURE of a church and its impact on that vision.
So UNstuck was born. UNstuck is a vision planning process that addresses those two essential problems. It utilizes 2 helpful books (“Culture Catalyst” and “God Dreams”). The process invites a church team to engage in conversation to both understand its history and the current culture of their church, as well as utilizing a clear process to establish a vision implementation path that will move the church forward.
There are three stages in the process:
Stage 1: Build an unStuck leadership team. This is a NEW team in your church that will engage the unStuck process together.
Stage 2: Create a small study group to study “Culture Catalyst” together.
Stage 3: Work through the unStuck Process Steps together as a team.
The final step of unStuck involves creating a “God Dream” for your church’s future. Will Mancini has created a simple and helpful blueprint that will result in a ONE PAGE implementation plan for getting unStuck.
The entire process will take 5-6 months. Remember, your church didn’t arrive where it is overnight. A brighter future for your congregation will take an investment of time, energy and creativity! The good news is: There IS HOPE for YOUR church!