One of the most exciting events in life is the miracle of new birth! Whether it is the birth of a new baby or the spiritual new birth of one whose eyes open to the grace of Christ, new birth is a MIRACLE! Congregations become energized by giving birth as well to a new congregation. Rarely does the planting of a new congregation have any negative impact on the mother congregation or surrounding congregations. Other church become stronger.
Would your congregation be open to that possibility? Here are some possible steps:
Step 1: Gather a leadership team around a table and begin to discuss. Place your team under an “umbrella of mercy” and dream about what could be. There are no wrong answers and no “dumb” ideas. What would it look like for us to consider multiplying ourselves for the Kingdom’s sake?
- How can we multiply ourselves in this community, city or region?
- Is there an area or neighborhood that is not being served well and needs a new congregation? Would we consider “planting” a church or beginning a second site of our current congregation?
- Does our congregation need to re-start? Are we shrinking and aging? Is momentum lost? Is our location strategic but we lack clear vision? Could we strip everything back to the foundation, begin to think like those who started the church in the beginning, and re-plant this church once again?
- Are we a part of a “field of churches”? Is that reality the most effective method in this current day? Is there a creative possibility that could serve our neighborhood more effectively? Should we creative a “missional merger” of our congregations?
- Are we strategically located but lacking the resources, vision and energy to serve our neighborhood and community well? Is there a healthy and strong church with whom we would consider joining and become a strong site of that congregation in our community?
- As we consider our neighborhood and community, could we consider planting a “church within a church”? Could we utilize our current facility to plant a different style congregation? An international congregation from a different culture?
Step 2:
- If an idea begins to gain traction …. meet again … and perhaps again. Give yourselves the freedom to dream and pray desperately to hear from God and join Him in that place in your neighbourhood where He is already working!
Step 3:
- As the dream begins to clarify and a picture begins to be drawn, feel complete freedom to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. He would love to hear your dreams and would be willing to sit around a meeting table and help discern some clear next steps with you.